What are alerts?

Alerts are an email notification service where you can have the newest Ads on Gumtree sent to your email address. Alerts can be created for an entire category or for a given search term and will be emailed to you once a day.


Search alerts:

  1. Search on Gumtree for what you are looking for.

  2. Click on the Sign Up link under the Gumtree Alerts section.

  3. Provide your email address and Create Alert.

  4. Gumtree will send you a confirmation email. Click on the link to activate your alert.

Category alerts:

  1. Select the category for which you would like to receive alerts.

  2. Click on the Create Alert link under the Gumtree Alerts section.

  3. Provide your email address and click on Create Alert.

  4. Gumtree will send you a confirmation email. Click on the link to activate your alert.

Note: You will receive alerts for 60 days from the day you activate the alert. 


How many alerts can I create?

You can have up to 50 active alerts. To create more alerts, you will first need to unsubscribe from an existing active alert.


How can I unsubscribe from an alert?

Every alert you receive will have the option to unsubscribe from that particular alert or all the alerts you have set up, in the footer. Once you click on the link provided, you will stop receiving alert emails.


How often will I receive the alerts?

You will receive the alert once a day i.e. once every 24 hours.


How many days will I receive alerts?

Every alert you create is valid through 60 days from the date of activation. You will stop receiving the alerts once you have completed 60 days and will be sent an email with the option to activate the alert again.


How many Ads are sent in each alert?

Each alert message will have a maximum of 50 Ads.

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