Reporting ads

Gumtree is a community site. We rely on your feedback to keep the site friendly and safe. We like to think of it as you, the Gumtree community, policing the site and keeping out the bad guys.


So on each ad there is a button "Report this ad" where you can bring an ad to our attention. You will be asked to choose your reason for reporting it. Your choices are:


Fraud / Scam for illegal / fraudulent ads

  • If you think the ad is illegal or you believe the advertiser to be a scammer

Spam / Duplicate ad

  • If the same ad has been posted more than once a day in the same category

Wrong category

  • Use this option if you think the ad belongs somewhere else on the site

No longer Available / Outdated

  • Use this option if you think the poster of the ad has ie sold the item and not responding to your emails

Inappropriate content

  • If the information or images contained in the ad are offensive, adult content or not family friendly


After an ad is reported to us, we take a look as quickly as we can and then decide if we need to remove it.


As you can see, your help and feedback is extremely valuable to us. It helps shape Gumtree and keeps the content on the site clean, up-to-date and relevant for everyone.

Have more questions? Submit a request
